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Mortuary Refrigerator Manufacturers, Mortuary Freezer Suppliers

Top Quality Mortuary Freezers

Best Mortuary Refrigerator Manufacturers, Mortuary Freezer Suppliers for sale

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mortuary refrigerator for sale online in China
1 Body Mortuary Refrigerator

Model: MR-1000

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Mortuary Freezer Suppliers
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Welcome to Muller brand Mortuary Refrigerator Manufacturers Mortuary Freezer Suppliers in ChinaWe are Mortuary manufacturer & Mortuary refrigerator suppliers in china. We are one of the leading manufacturer & suppliers of quality morgue freezer, morgue fridge, funeral equipment and Mortuary Equipment in china. 


As we are medical Equipment company & factory which specialized in manufacturing mortuary refrigeration units and mortuary cold rooms we provide excellent services with the most competitive price to the world. We are your business partner that you can rely on. In a very short span of time, we have been able to carve a niche of excellence in the market place for ourselves. Our dedication towards work and vast business knowledge has placed us on the top over the graph.

Our client's list includes hospitals, medical deice companies, international traders, home funeral equipment suppliers, mortuary refrigerator suppliers,.etc

looking for best mortuary refrigerator for sale & best mortuary refrigerator price contact Muller mortuary freezer manufacturer toady and get best price for all morgue chamber, morgue cooler & mortuary cooler models.

we also manufacture other mortuary related equipment such as Mortuary lifter, Mortuary trolley & body transport carts , cots. body trolley, autopsy table. etc


Our cold corpse storage units and freezing box /corpse cabinet is a series of product for hospital, funeral parlor, and postmortem examination department customers to store the corpse.


Our company  quality certificates.  Our team of skilled & experienced personnel, the professional environment provided by us is helpful in the fostering our quality products & attaining customer satisfaction.​

When you buy from us, you will get the best deal in  term of:

​- Best price
- Product quality
- Highest warranty period
- Spare parts availability
- Fast Delivery time

As we are mortuary refrigerator manufacturers in china we put special care on humanization design for our morgue refrigerator, so the interior and exterior shell of the refrigerator are made of high-quality stainless steel with high corrosion resistance and beautiful and luxury appearance.

The insulating layer is made of imported polyurethane foam materials with high thermal retardation against cold loss.

The number of the independent imported low temperature refrigeration system (compressor) is same as the number of the corpse in one refrigerator. contact today Muller brand the best mortuary freezer suppliers in china


in Muller brand we understand the importance of technology  We aim to adapt the ultimate in technology to fit your requirements perfectly. Quality Medical equipment helps and improves healthcare technologies. The common thread through all applications of medical technology is the beneficial impact on health and quality of hospitals. We realize that so we supply high quality and latest technology medical equipment and also cold storage refrigeration units. as main morgue freezer manufacturer & morgue fridge suppliers we know that quality is not just another goal; it is our basic strategy for survival & future grow.

Quality medical technology is an increasingly important driver for delivering efficiencies in healthcare systems. New medical technology affects the costs of health care system and it reduces the total health expenditures. We focus on mortuary refrigerator system & mortuary chamber units that deliver affordable, quality, faster, more efficient to healthcare system. Our research and development wings are practicing to come up with innovative and mortuary cooler units and mortuary equipment  which are capable to meet the requirements of our clients. Our specialization and extensive experience in supplying and exporting these products has propelled us to cater these products on very competitive prices. we anticipate your positive revert only.


​As a Professional manufacturer & medical supplier for morgue refrigerator, we provide quality technical & support to our customers if needed to enhance the level of customer satisfaction. We understand that the technical support determines mortuary equipment  selection by the customer so we are putting this point within our priorities.


As each cell & chamber has independent refrigeration system and also temperature control system so our Muller cadavers refrigerators are very easy to maintain or handling and need minimum maintenance. 

Our Products


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Why Muller Brand

We manufacture our Mortuary refrigerators using high quality materials and parts, in addition the major and the most important parts such as refrigeration system (compressors), temperature control unit, heat eliminated fan, etc parts used in our morgue freezer are from Europe.


The number of the independent low temperature refrigeration system (compressor) and also temperature control system are same as the number of the corpse in one refrigerator. so any technical problem in one compressor does not affect the other chambers in the same unit. 

As a result, it will be very easy to track and fix technical problems, if any


We manufacture the interior & exterior shell of our corpse refrigerator and corpse freezer from high-quality stainless steel material grade which also give beautiful and luxury appearance. we use Stainless steel material with high corrosion resistance such as 304 grade.

the surface finish on stainless steel has important effect on its corrosion resistance. the productivity & surface finish a tool achieves depend on specific combinations of cutting speed, coolant application, tools, equipment, etc

Our morgue units are fully integrated and installed as a complete units, thus there is no need for installation. whether you need one, two, three, four or six  body refrigerator unit , you need only to plug to the electricity to start operating the machine by the operator or morgue worker. each chamber or cell are equipped with refrigeration system (compressor) and temperature computer control unit and heavy duty body tray


in Mull mortuary freezers we manufacture our mortuary refrigerators units according to our customer's requirements in term of temperature range and als mortuary refrigerator machine's voltage & power

as sometimes customers need low temperature below 0 C and also sometimes above 0 C. We can also do both temperature range programmed in our temperature control system.


And to achieve the best deal for the client we are providing all of this with very affordable price. It must be clearly understood that we'll not allow quality to take second place behind cost. We always tray to offer best mortuary refrigerator price 

we offer technical support to our body mortuary units & mortuary system  before, during & after the purchase to enhance the level of customer satisfaction. we have experienced & also  professional technicians to deal with the technical issue. 

When you buy from us , you buy from a mortuary refrigerator manufacturers and main mortuary freezer supplies in china. thus you will  get the best deal in term of: quality,  warranty period, and Maintenance & Delivery time.

lack selection by a customer for buying of mortuary fridge, may lead to disproportionate escalation in the healthcare delivery costs. We provide quality morgue fridge for sale & body refrigerator in terms of technology, efficiency  & quality





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The Best Choice for your Healthcare Facility

Why Us



What is Mortuary Refrigerator?

A Mortuary is used to keep the deceased that are awaiting identification, burial/cremation, removal for autopsy, etc. The storage of body or human corpses can last from few hours to few days & maybe few weeks. That’s why to stop the corpses from decomposition they need constant freeze or refrigerated environment.


Mortuary refrigerators create that environment for the deceased bodies. Almost all the modern health care facilities have a cold room with mortuary freezer in them. With the increasing use of these fridges they have come up with many features.


Types of Mortuary Refrigerators:  Positive Temperature In these types of Cadavers refrigerators or the cold chambers cells the dead bodies are stored at temperatures ranging from 2 to 4 degree Celsius. Bodies are sometimes kept maybe for many weeks, but these chambers don’t stop the decomposition in dead bodies. However, the rate of decomposition is slow when compared to the normal rate at the room temperature. The negative temperature In these type of cold chambers the dead bodies are stored at temperatures ranging from -10 to -50 degree Celsius. These types of freezers are generally used in forensic institutes.


The low temperature makes sure that the body will reach the frozen state and rate of decomposition is very low. Advantages of Mortuary Fridges will give More Time for Storage Several times there are some dead corpses that are unidentifiable and there are facilitates needed to store them properly, so that they remain identifiable for longer times.


Mortuary refrigerators are the only solution to this problem. Good for Surrounding Environment Mortuary fridges don’t allow the pathogens to grow in the stored dead body. A silver ion anti-bacterial powder is added to the corpse when stored, which further protects the dead corpse from growth of any harmful bacteria. This prevents the spread of pathogens and bacteria in the surrounding environment of the dead body.



Offer Better Temperature Control There is a numerical code display in the mortuary refrigerators, which allows the users to accurately control the temperature inside the refrigerator. The latest technology used for the construction of these refrigerators make sure the inside temperature remains stable. Due to these features these refrigerators offer more protection features to the surrounding environment.


Better Management of Space: The mono structure designing of these refrigerators ensures that these refrigerators take minimum space at floor and give maximum space for storage.


This design makes sure that mortuary refrigerators are not bulky. Durability of Mortuary Fridges These refrigerators is built from stainless steel and this makes sure that the cleanliness in the mortuary is kept.


For proper insulation polyurethane insulation is used, which further improves the life of this medical refrigerator in hospitals or home funeral


Contact Us
Muller Mortuary Refrigerator
Müller© Brand Mortuary Refrigerators Manufacturers

Shenyang - China 


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